Our Mission is the advancement of human civilization; to explore the universe, and integrate the resources of space into our modern supply chain
Water is used in space for simple life support as well as separated to create oxygen and hydrogen, both extremely useful in space. Asteroids containing water ice can be mined to supply and resupply space habitats and vehicles, creating the first space economy.
Asteroids contain high concentrations of minerals like gold, silver, platinum, iron, nickel, and copper. These minerals are used in all facets of civilization. One asteroid in particular, 16 Psyche, is estimated to be worth $10,000 quadrillion. This asteroid is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and is made up of iron and nickel, similar to Earth's core. NASA's Psyche mission launched in October 2023 to reach the asteroid and map its surface.
Exploration will no doubt uncover as of yet unknown resources and novel discoveries that can be marketed for immense profit